


wozhi said:

Why does all the works of this artist always have a black square???:BlobThonkSpin:

It's some kind of signature, staple of most of their work. Maybe there's some meaning to the shade of black, or the pixel size of the square or something, but I think it's just them being quirky.

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    downvote_bot said:

    now whole family can reunited in another world

    Plot twist: They ended up in separated worlds rather than in the same one. (or, they got the Kumoko treatment and they reincarnated in different species.)

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    I noticed something. Freckles Nun's papa has a pompadour-style hairdo, and on a note it's says that he wants (or being drawn by Freckles Nun herself) a bigger pompadour. It's makes me think that, if we follow the timeline a bit later or early, she lived around the 60s at the earliest or the 50s at the latest before moving away to the convey. And grew up to be a full nun by the time of the 1970s. (which means JC-ish Little Nuns (and froggy/hook-bang and hungry/gluttonous nuns) could have been living in the latest 70s/early 80s as the main timeframe of the series.

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