post #9000000 GET!



BaiserLaVerite said:

Can't tell who the monster in the middle far right is supposed to be. Dark Balter, Lesser Archfiend, and Ha Des all spring to mind but neither quite fits. It at least looks like classical card.

it's called il Blud

hold on, just saw the guy next to it. best bet is Kryuel

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    420_69_69 said:

    WHAT DO YOU MEAN 7.62 MAUSER? THE PPS-43 IS IN 7.62x25 TOKAREV!!!!!!
    7.62 MAUSER ISN'T EVEN A REAL CALIBER?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    7.63ร—25mm Mauser is a cartridge that not only exists, but precludes 7.62ร—25mm Tokarev by more than 30 years. The latter is much 'hotter' than former, so don't go loading C96 Mauser with Tokarev rounds.

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