


radomperson said:

That thing know with the name of arepas

One day, I'm going to lose my mind, quit my job, and finally fucking travel this bitch of a Earth and eat whatever I can find because I googled Arepas and it looks fucking delicious.

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    FRien said:

    One day, I'm going to lose my mind, quit my job, and finally fucking travel this bitch of a Earth and eat whatever I can find because I googled Arepas and it looks fucking delicious.

    Arepa = Gordita

    I ate one around a Venezuelan Embassy. Difference was it had ham and cheese instead of mashed beans.

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    VTT for English subs
    Kind: captions
    Language: en
    ::cue(c.color00FFC5) { color: rgb(0,255,197);
    ::cue(c.color9DDDFF) { color: rgb(157,221,255);
    ::cue(c.colorA0AAB4) { color: rgb(160,170,180);
    ::cue(c.colorD792FF) { color: rgb(215,146,255);
    00:00:01.051 --> 00:00:03.887 position:75% line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorD792FF><b>​ ​Orange juice and matcha au lait, right?​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:04.121 --> 00:00:05.823 size:41% position:80% line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color00FFC5><b>​ ​Yeah​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:04.588 --> 00:00:05.823 size:78% position:61% line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​Thanks​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:07.324 --> 00:00:10.561 position:63% line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​Taki-chan, how's the work here?​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:10.728 --> 00:00:12.963 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorD792FF><b>​ ​Uh, what's the matter?​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:13.230 --> 00:00:18.202 position:77% line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​Uh... I want to get a part-time job, too​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:18.769 --> 00:00:20.270 position:56% line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color00FFC5><b>​ ​Are you going to work here?​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:20.738 --> 00:00:25.909 position:78% line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​Umm, but customer service must be hard...​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:26.176 --> 00:00:27.811 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorD792FF><b>​ ​Not at all, Tomori!​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:27.978 --> 00:00:30.881 position:61% line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​I have to talk to strangers...​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:32.216 --> 00:00:36.587 position:88% line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorD792FF><b>​ ​R-Right. Think of here as a stage, like singing​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:37.755 --> 00:00:40.591 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​Welcome~♪​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:40.824 --> 00:00:43.527 position:61% line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​What would you like to order~♪​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:44.061 --> 00:00:47.164 position:59% line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​Umm... That sounds manageable​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:47.364 --> 00:00:49.666 position:66% line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​Rāna-chan, could you play guitar?​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:49.800 --> 00:00:50.667 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color00FFC5><b>​ ​I'll do it​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:50.667 --> 00:00:51.668 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorD792FF><b>​ ​What​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    VTT for Korean subs
    Kind: captions
    Language: ko
    ::cue(c.color00FFC5) { color: rgb(0,255,197);
    ::cue(c.color9DDDFF) { color: rgb(157,221,255);
    ::cue(c.colorA0AAB4) { color: rgb(160,170,180);
    ::cue(c.colorD792FF) { color: rgb(215,146,255);
    00:00:01.051 --> 00:00:03.887 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorD792FF><b>​ ​오렌지 주스랑 말차 오레면 되지​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:04.121 --> 00:00:05.823 size:38% position:81% line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color00FFC5><b>​ ​응​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:04.588 --> 00:00:05.823 size:81% position:59% line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​고마워​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:07.324 --> 00:00:10.561 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​타키 짱, 여기 일은 어때?​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:10.728 --> 00:00:12.963 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorD792FF><b>​ ​엥, 갑자기 왜?​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:13.230 --> 00:00:18.202 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​그... 나도 뭔가 아르바이트를 시작하고 싶어서​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:18.769 --> 00:00:20.270 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color00FFC5><b>​ ​여기서 일하는 거야?​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:20.738 --> 00:00:25.909 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​음, 근데 접객은 어렵겠지......​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:26.176 --> 00:00:27.811 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorD792FF><b>​ ​그렇지 않아 토모리!​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:27.978 --> 00:00:30.881 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​모르는 사람한테 말을 걸어야 하잖아......​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:32.216 --> 00:00:36.587 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorD792FF><b>​ ​그, 그래. 여기를 무대라고 생각하고, 노래처럼​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:37.755 --> 00:00:40.591 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​어서오세요~♪​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:40.824 --> 00:00:43.527 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​주문하시겠습니까~♪​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:44.061 --> 00:00:47.164 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​음... 그렇다면 어떻게든​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:47.364 --> 00:00:49.666 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color9DDDFF><b>​ ​라나 짱, 기타 쳐줄 수 있어?​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:49.800 --> 00:00:50.667 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.color00FFC5><b>​ ​할래​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:50.667 --> 00:00:51.668 line:92%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorD792FF><b>​ ​엥​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
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