


Sisale said:

Shimmy has been cleaned up into the trash pile, poor tiny princess.

Well at least she was not squashed but still why she don't in the dish towels or something
Poor sukuna shinmyoumaru

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    Alixiron said:

    Wonder if Reimu's predecessors also had the armpit shrine maiden outfit lol

    Winter probably freezes her arms because she don't close or just use clothes with the arms covered,well old traditions are weird

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    user_1065243 said:

    Iโ€™m pretty sure it at least takes another generation or more to actually get noticeable effects of incest. I could be wrong on this though.

    Nah, paternal twins already have 50% of the genes being similar, don't need for second generation for the regressive harmful to resurface (same with parent-child and non-identical twin incest)

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    natsume-shokogami said:

    Nah, paternal twins already have 50% of the genes being similar, don't need for second generation for the regressive harmful to resurface (same with parent-child and non-identical twin incest)


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    Welp with OnK ending and coming back here.... Despite my hate on incest arc I'd actually prefer THAT over what ever the fuck Aka gave us after burning the kitchen... Never let that man pick up a pen ever again.

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    BumponyRalsei said:

    Rest in peace to the ฬถhฬถuฬถmฬถaฬถnฬถ.... ฬถyฬถoฬถuฬถkฬถaฬถiฬถ short, to someone.

    Reimu is most efficient yet underpreciated worker

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