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user_1065243 said:

Iโ€™m pretty sure it at least takes another generation or more to actually get noticeable effects of incest. I could be wrong on this though.

Nah, paternal twins already have 50% of the genes being similar, don't need for second generation for the regressive harmful to resurface (same with parent-child and non-identical twin incest)

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    natsume-shokogami said:

    Nah, paternal twins already have 50% of the genes being similar, don't need for second generation for the regressive harmful to resurface (same with parent-child and non-identical twin incest)


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    Simple enough translation. The big text, anyway. The ema is another New Year's wish, but I'm shaky on the specifics so I left it be. Didn't even notice it until after I did the other notes. If someone else wants to come behind and finish making it all pretty, I'd be grateful. Happy New Year!

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