post #9000000 GET!



Golshi laughing at Grass' misfortune? I feel like she's gonna get a can of whoopass from her RL counterpart. Assuming she hasn't already taken a naginata to the face already.

???: At least I'm not the one taking it this time dess!!

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    Catasros said:

    Kind of. MasakoX who plays Goku in the Abridged does What If videos on occasions, and "What If Raditz turned good" is one of the biggest he did.

    He literally stole most story elements in that from another fanfiction, lmao.

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    ANON_TOKYO said:

    So it seems she got called "Hatsune", hence the Miku. They better not make the tagging situation more complicated, Mortis was bad enough...

    I really hope that it's not a secret sibling thing. I'd understand if it was Uika being a woman who erased her name, but Uika having a secret twin would officially make me question what Bang Dream is even about.

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    Harmonic_Vector said:

    I really hope that it's not a secret sibling thing. I'd understand if it was Uika being a woman who erased her name, but Uika having a secret twin would officially make me question what Bang Dream is even about.


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