Kon'nichiwa. Machigatta bunpล ga attara gomen'nasai. Watashi wa hon'yaku apuri o shiyล shite iru eigo washadesu. Shikashi, ฤซbei de darekaga anata no ฤto o shiyล shita kฤdogฤmumatto o hanbai shite iruga, dokoni mo anata no namae ga kisai sa rete inai koto o oshirase shitaidesu. Sudeni gozonji no kata ya ki ni shinai kata wa mลshiwakearimasenga, watashi wa kono ฤto o hontลni tanoshinde irunode, anata ga nozomu yล ni namae ga kisai sa rete iru koto o kakunin shitai nodesu. Mata, imi ga wakaranai ten ga arimashitara gomen'nasai. Watashi wa hon'yaku apuri o
Hello I Apologize for any Incorrect Grammar I am an English speaker using a translation application. But I wanted to inform you that someone on eBay is Selling a Card Game Mat with your art on it and they are not crediting you anywhere. sorry if you are either already aware of this or donโt care I just really enjoy this art and I want to make sure you get credit it you want it also apologies if any of this doesnโt make sense again I am using a translation application
Having glanced at the thumbnails on the pool page already, I saw this at the end of it. I'm surprised and pleased to know that things didn't turn out the way I expected.
I'm obviously biased since Abubu's NSFW content isn't really to my taste, but I'd love to see him put more focus on his monster and horror design. He has a genuine talent for horror.
I like the little detail of Lili here not being able to distinguish people in photos/video, but obviously can in person. Presumably she recognizes people by something other than sight. Smell, I would imagine, or maybe voice, since she would have heard the other two talking.
Sereptim said: I like the little detail of Lili here not being able to distinguish people in photos/video, but obviously can in person. Presumably she recognizes people by something other than sight. Smell, I would imagine, or maybe voice, since she would have heard the other two talking.
Well she's had run-ins with humans before apparently so maybe just seeing the gun was enough to get her to attack.
Well she's had run-ins with humans before apparently so maybe just seeing the gun was enough to get her to attack.
post #7296188 shows the first human holding a gun and she doesn't react at all. She clearly knows the difference between the human she's talking to and the ones that come after.
Sereptim said: I'm obviously biased since Abubu's NSFW content isn't really to my taste, but I'd love to see him put more focus on his monster and horror design. He has a genuine talent for horror.
Lookin' around for SCP stuff has turned up this small series,and lookin' further has turned up his YouTube and Twitter having more of this style,so yeah,he did focus more on it.