


FJH said:

What's wrong with Janissary hats?

When devs were making graphics for janissaries, they thought they look too much like the racist clan with the white hat and robe so they simply removed the robe.

We are getting the hat back in the new announced update as the graphic for elite upgraded janies tho.

Finally, Bosnian children get to wear their funny hats!

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    Obscuras said:

    This feels like something that Deadpool would do.
    I guess Stelle can officially join the Meme-Makers.

    Let's be honest. The trailblazer character is represented by us the gamer/geek/weeb and many more forms. Any chance to insert meme to referenceto show/anime/movie/food and many more we will do it!

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    There was a postabout him in that VN's VK community, so i'm going to translate it

    feb 9 2022
    Greetings, subscribers!
    This post isn't about the VN as such (info about it will be later this month), but about a member of our team that many of you probably know. It's about the hatater (hater). I ask you to read it to the end.

    The point is that today marks exactly one year since I last contacted him. On February 9, 2021 at 02:24 Moscow time he sent me the last message that said "looks like I've caught a super combo - (food) poisoning and neck pain, sorry for disappearing" and I never saw him after that. And it wasn't just me, but all his friends that I've been able to contact. Also, there was no activity on his pixiv for a year. I could assume that he just got fed up with everything and took an indefinite vacation (after all, our project is almost exclusively voluntary, and he doesn't have to report to anyone), or, for example, he has a serious health problem, and is unable to contact anyone. But before that, in the summer of 2020, he took the time to email me from the hospital at a time when he was sick with covid, which he said was quite severe. And in general during the whole time of our acquaintance he was a mature and responsible person who works with IT (or something like that, I don't know for sure) and understands that suddenly disappearing somewhere for such a long period is not a good thing, especially when you have some task in the project. In view of all this, I would venture to guess that something terrible has happened to our fellow soldier. I won't mislead anyone because I don't know the exact details, but every day the odds of seeing him again are getting smaller and slimmer. Wherever he is, I hope he's okay. But if there happens to be some people reading this post who have accurate information, then please write about it in the comments or DM me (link to team leader's profile).

    Anyway, I think I owe him a lot, because without him our project could have sunk in the very beginning of its voyage. He was the one who advised us to use the picture resolutions we've been using so far. It was his sprites that exemplified, and still exemplify, the variety of emotions and gestures that are enough for any occasion. He helped for a cause to us, to a musician from our team (with album covers), and to other people he knew (from their words).

    If he does not show up, I think people should remember him as a responsible, committed and enthusiastic Touhou artist who has suddenly gone missing. So let this post be a kind of tribute.

    See You Space Cowboy...! in english

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    NightjarInaJar said:

    There was a postabout him in that VN's VK community, so i'm going to translate it

    Sad. Thought it might've had to do with the Ukraine war and he got drafted. 2 years later and he's still not shown up so I guess I got to expect the worst :(

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    Another [Gerund Tact] in the JP original (Mountain-Secluding Tact), 'though not sure how to adapt it into English. Guess we can call this Commando Tact but now it's not longer an -ing word.

    (Hermitizing Tact? Mountaineering Tact?)


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    NNescio said:

    Another [Gerund Tact] in the JP original (Mountain-Secluding Tact), 'though not sure how to adapt it into English. Guess we can call this Commando Tact but now it's not longer an -ing word.

    (Hermitizing Tact? Mountaineering Tact?)

    I know it's lost the -ing you want but Survivalist Tact seems fitting from what I've seen. Is she actually this over the top as a nature lover? Or just some good ol fashioned flanderization. It's fun either way.

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    StrikeHeart said:

    I know it's lost the -ing you want but Survivalist Tact seems fitting from what I've seen.

    On second thought people actually use survivalist as a makeshift verb (differentiating it from survive) so just going to tack on -ing there.

    (Note that the Japanese version does actually went out of its way to include a katakana -ring/-ing sound, so I try to preserve it.)

    StrikeHeart said:

    Is she actually this over the top as a nature lover? Or just some good ol fashioned flanderization. It's fun either way.

    There are people who go camping in the mountains Yurucamp-style like Cafe and Ayabe. Then there's Tact who goes "camping" Naked Snake-style. Living off the land, digging through dirt to forage for edible roots, hunting, trapping, fishing... the whole nine yards. Though I guess unlike Snake she did actually bother to get hunting permits first.

    So yes, Tact is a hardcore wilderness survivalist in canon. Heck, she even thinks it's a good idea to teach "survival skills" to new students because it would be a great method to "nurture their bodies and minds". Her idea of a birthday present for Almond Eye is to show her an "excellent waterfall" in the middle of nowhere to bathe under, while promising to guard her from wild animals on the way there since she "has the necessary hunting and trapping permits". Oh and one of the official 1-komas depict her as thinking that bear season is the perfect season to go hiking in the woods because of all the "cute and lively bears" frolicking about.

    ...while the bear is fleeing from her in SHEER TERROR.

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    NNescio said:

    On second thought people actually use survivalist as a makeshift verb (differentiating it from survive) so just going to tack on -ing there.

    (Note that the Japanese version does actually went out of its way to include a katakana -ring/-ing sound, so I try to preserve it.)

    There are people who go camping in the mountains Yurucamp-style like Cafe and Ayabe. Then there's Tact who goes "camping" Naked Snake-style. Living off the land, digging through dirt to forage for edible roots, hunting, trapping, fishing... the whole nine yards. Though I guess unlike Snake she did actually bother to get hunting permits first.

    So yes, Tact is a hardcore wilderness survivalist in canon. Heck, she even thinks it's a good idea to teach "survival skills" to new students because it would be a great method to "nurture their bodies and minds". Her idea of a birthday present for Almond Eye is to show her an "excellent waterfall" in the middle of nowhere to bathe under, while promising to guard her from wild animals on the way there since she "has the necessary hunting and trapping permits". Oh and one of the official 1-komas depict her as thinking that bear season is the perfect season to go hiking in the woods because of all the "cute and lively bears" frolicking about.

    ...while the bear is fleeing from her in SHEER TERROR.

    Tact might be equivalent to a Catachan from W40k

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    Kazuma_Sato784 said:

    what are they all?

    Ptsd, survivors guild, narcissistic personality disorder, dissociative identity disorder, self harming behavior, depression, hero complex, bipolar disorder, ocd
    And I don't know shidou or the umineko guy

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    qwertyuipp said:

    Ptsd, survivors guild, narcissistic personality disorder, dissociative identity disorder, self harming behavior, depression, hero complex, bipolar disorder, ocd
    And I don't know shidou or the umineko guy

    I think Shidou can fall under hero complex since he tries his hardest to save everyone.

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