This aircraft is an amalgamation design features found on F-5, MiG-23, MiG-25 and F-18 Hornet. Tagging as fictional aircraft as it isn't close to either.
The airplane sort of looks like the F-18 Hornet, but I would like a confirmation on that.
Its either a F/A-18F or EA-18G, leaning more toward a 18F since its carrying ordnance, tagged as such The SPAAG driver is wielding a Mini Uzi with a folding stock, have no idea which guns the other girl is holding.
The helicopter is a Kaman K-MAX. The girl in the foreground is holding a Calico M100. Her slung weapon is some kind of AR-15 variant, not sure which one.
Sparrows and Sidewinders here show a blue band marking them as having and inert warhead i.e. being training missiles, tagging as artistic error because of this.