Lizzie too. WaWa got hit ahead of the collab, so that's probably why she didn't get sick. Seems like it's been a rough flu season.
Mori got a 40C fever before the collab too, hell I think half of EN and even some JP girls all got sick. I've seen people guess they might've eaten some bad food during an afterparty but I can't really say for sure
I was getting Rikako vibes as well, so I thought I'd shoot a DM at the commissioner to see if I could get a more definitive answer, and it is indeed Rikako according to them.
I was getting Rikako vibes as well, so I thought I'd shoot a DM at the commissioner to see if I could get a more definitive answer, and it is indeed Rikako according to them.
The tallest Nun is getting RRG Merch. Froggy, don't forget to give the other Nun's in the City such hats as well. And the tallest of Nuns made a drawing of Froggy smiling via reversing her mouth? That is adorable.^^
Also her name can't be Tallest Nun, she is sensitive about her height, there has to be a better name. We don't call Froggy "Smallest Nun" either even if that statement is true, she is more than her height, both are more than their height.
ゆっくりしすぎたこの結果 - This is the result of taking it too easy はたらきだしたら一生損 - If I start working, I'll lose out on my life. タ方過ぎまでまた寝てたまた寝てた - It was pretty late so I went back to sleep, right back to sleep.
いいさ いいさ - It's okay, it's okay ゆっくりでいいさ - It's okay to take it easy. おやつはないしごはんも 炊けてない - There are no snacks and the rice wasn't cooked. うさぎの帰りを待ってるワケない - I can't wait for the rabbits to get home.
今日も二一ト明日も二一ト - I'll be a NEET today and a NEET tomorrow ぜんぜん働く気が - I don't feel like working. ないないない - Nope, nope, nope.
ゆっくりしすぎた数年間 - I've been taking it easy for years. 惰眠を貪ぼる無任所 - An unemployed girl that loves to rest. やる事ないからまた寝てたまた寝てた - There's nothing to do so I went back to sleep, right back to sleep.
いいさ いいさ - It's okay, it's okay ゆっくりでいいさ - It's okay to take it easy. ひとりでゴロゴロお風呂は沸いてない - I'm relaxing by myself and the bath isn't ready あったかい布団もまだ敷いてない - They haven't even put down a warm futon.
明日やろう明後日やろう - Let's do it tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow 眠い眠い眠い - Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy.
いいさ いいさ - It's okay, it's okay ゆっくりでいいさ - It's okay to take it easy. みんはが迷惑「働け」うるさい - Everyone keeps bothering me and telling me to "work" えーりん本気で泣いてるだろな - Eirin's really crying now.
本気出そうそのうち出そう - I'll get serious, I'll do it soon! ぜんぜん反省の色が - I don't feel any regret! ないないない - Nope, nope, nope.
Extras: Pink caption - NEET State!!! Eirin and Kaguya's Dialogue - "Hard work--" "I absolutely don't want to work, ever!" "Please do some wor-" "But I refuse!"
Riyo foreshadowing FGO part 3 just like how he foreshadowed part 2 by having Olga living inside Chaldeas for a while before getting yoinked out by Gudako