In Bagpipe's new skin, there is a scarecrow with Horn's features, so this pic referencing that too
no, that's definetly Archetto. Because this is a joke about Mlynar and Archetto events have them posing in a wheat field like this. Check out "An Obscure Wanderer" for Mlynar standing in the middle of the field and "Beyond Here" for Archetto who has a red cape and carrying some of the wheat in her arms, like this one in the pic here. I also remember seeing a joke image of bagpipe shooing away Archetto and Mlynar from posing in the fields because of field work, which is funny.
But anyway, making a stink about it because Archetto isn't tagged here.
How can you develop a friendship with someone when it's 99% likely to be an identical replacement the next time you see them? Though I guess people who spend most of their time online do it well enough...
Not really. To explain the joke, it's based off the Japanese fairytale "The Crane Returns the Favor" which goes like this: hunter frees a crane caught in a trap, several years later he meets a beautiful lady who becomes his wife, she creates beautiful feather cloaks to help raise money but tells the hunter not to look in while she works, hunter becomes curious to see how she works so fast and peeks into her workshop and sees not his wife but a crane plucking out her feathers to weave into cloaks (the same crane he saved all those years ago). The crane, ashamed her secret's been exposed, flies off never to be seen again.
This comic is basically parodying that instead of the crane making feather cloaks, she's torturing some poor schmuck.
Not really. To explain the joke, it's based off the Japanese fairytale "The Crane Returns the Favor" which goes like this: hunter frees a crane caught in a trap, several years later he meets a beautiful lady who becomes his wife, she creates beautiful feather cloaks to help raise money but tells the hunter not to look in while she works, hunter becomes curious to see how she works so fast and peeks into her workshop and sees not his wife but a crane plucking out her feathers to weave into cloaks (the same crane he saved all those years ago). The crane, ashamed her secret's been exposed, flies off never to be seen again.
This comic is basically parodying that instead of the crane making feather cloaks, she's torturing some poor schmuck.
I don’t understand how this -10 votes to be honest. Like, I understand that people don’t like when other people race swap a character. But the whole point of the challenge was to redraw it. Countless people have already character swapped it. So, I don’t see a problem with a race swap when it comes to this. And if this does get replied to, let’s keep it civil please.
The problem ain't that simple to be summarized in one word. Well, if you boiled it alll the way down it does come as racism, but in different way that we might understand it.
First of all, there needs to be a reason why people are against portraying Japanese characters as if they're come from different race: simply put, it's because doing so inverts everything in their facial structures: thin lines becomes thick brushes, white becomes that point, the similarities between the two versions are worlds apart you might say the similarities are only the name and clothing choices, which isn't that different from what we considered cosplay.
Secondly, this 'drawing japanese characters in other races' are welcomed...or tolerated to a degree, until artists start claiming that they 'fixed' some characters. Right there is the breakpoint: by claiming they're, quote unquote "fixing" the character design they stepped beyond their role as consumer and straight up assuming that they have enough authority to announce to the world that their vision of that particular character was better than the creators' (which comes from inflated egos and the need to be recognized, simply put as side effect of internet communication). Coupled with the DEI movement that's been going for several years now, people are dead tired seeing people of certain race gets pushed into roles that they don't earn.
Thirdly, and it's mostly personal opinion at this point, the Sailor Moon Redraw challenge main point is 'draw it in your own style'. It doesn't say anything about race swapping Tsukino Usagi into different ethnicity...well, unless your 'style' is drawing everything as someone from certain race. Heck, someone even got flamed online for drawing her with Chinese face and black hair...yet nobody said anything about raceswapping her into an African-American. The double standards are too strong, and it's favoring certain inclinations.
So, to boil this down: Was this racism? Definitely, but it's racism against light skinned people, not otherwise. The votes tries to stand against that, as some people here are already exhausted of seeing things repeating in certain patterns.
People often forget that Danbooru is essentially an online art gallery. People uploaded pieces of art they thought was fit to be here, and other people scruntized those pieces, and give them either upvotes or downvotes based on their preferences. Who are you to judge other people based on their own preferences? Won't it be weird that you are imposing your own standards to their decision? Say this picture has ended in -10 score; how many people are doing downvotes because they don't like it enough, how many people doing downvotes just because, how many people doing upvotes because they genuinely like the picture and how many people putting upvotes because they can't stomach the low score? Does that -10 score comes purely, or is it manipulated in some way? Who knows, I'm just a guy that's here for some quality images.