


Yuuma: Gatherer and Absorber;
Miko: Hata no Kawakatsu;
Cirno: Earthly Mother Goddess;
Satono and Mai: Goddess of the Backdoors;
Larva: God of Sericulture;
Marisa: Star God;
Yukari: Sage of Gensokyo;
Kokoro: Shukushin God of Noh Dances (The only one I am confused on, I tried googling what Shukushin was with the exact Kanji used here and found multiple different definitions);
Flandre: God of the Discriminated;


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    Memoria Description:

    Rarity: *3
    Memoria Type: Active
    Ability: Attack UP [V] on All allies for 1 turn (cooldown 11 turns)
    Max Limit Break Ability: Attack UP [VI] on All allies for 1 turn (cooldown 10 turns)
    Description (JP): どんなに楽しくて、どんなに大切なことも時間が経てば薄れてしまう…
    嬉しかったこと、心が揺れたこと、残しておきたいこと全部 ここにしまっておくから、思い出したくなったら開けてみて
    Description (ENG): No matter how enjoyable and important things will fade over time...
    Everything I was happy about, my heart was shaken, everything I wanted to keep I'll keep it here, so if you want to remember it, open it.
    I'll leave it in the waves until the day I need it.

    Note: Unique to Eternal Sakura (Swimsuit Ver.)

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    Any idea who the witch with the candy above Haru and Henya is? Kinda seems like Nyanners, but given this seems to be a Vshojo-only artwork, I am not sure. Perhaps an original character from the artist? I know Nyanners used to be part of Vshojo, but since this is fairly new, I am not sure if it would be her or not.

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    Chuy88 said:

    Sensei's density rivals a neutron star.

    I'm surprised Sensei hasn't collapsed into a black hole, he's so dense....

    The way jazz's Blue Archive posts are going (and assuming they're all in the same continuity), it's going to end with someone resting in pieces, and I'm still not sure who. (Likely not Sensei, unless someone figures out how to get pieces from something that dense....)

    Alanis, spaghettified by a teacher called Sensei

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    alphashitlord said:

    I did always wonder why the tentacle locks are gone with that outfit...

    In at least one variant of the short hairstyle they're still there, just shrunk down to the point where they're hard to spot if you miss the orange tips.

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