post #9000000 GET!



TommyTuga said:

This is Kind Mita that is giving the ring

The problem is Kind Mita's chibis are defective, either spawning dead or broken as indicated by the one that wasn't dead constantly running in a circle. In all likelihood Kind Mita has been compromised and she's not aware of it. Of particular note she doesn't send you on the shortest route between versions, which Crazy Mita will tell you if you linger with her after nearly having the fridge land on you. As she'll comment that taking the rail car is actually the longest route between versions.

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    GreyOmega said:

    The problem is Kind Mita's chibis are defective, either spawning dead or broken as indicated by the one that wasn't dead constantly running in a circle. In all likelihood Kind Mita has been compromised and she's not aware of it. Of particular note she doesn't send you on the shortest route between versions, which Crazy Mita will tell you if you linger with her after nearly having the fridge land on you. As she'll comment that taking the rail car is actually the longest route between versions.

    Considering how much she messes up I always took that as her not being as smart as she pretends to be (just like how she's not as kind as she says she is)

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    KoshiLowell said:

    Considering how much she messes up I always took that as her not being as smart as she pretends to be (just like how she's not as kind as she says she is)

    While this can be taken with different interpretations, but there is some note on the interaction between Kind Mita and Cappie that could be seen as what Kind Mita is saying isn't matching up with Cappie. It's noted that Cappie does have the mechanic of nodding or shaking their head, but this is also tied into that Cappie does respond to some of the things Kind Mita says with a shake or a nod. Cappie nods in agreement when Kind Mita says Cappie is quick witted, but Cappie will shake her head in disagreement when Kind Mita says Cappie has been killed and again when Kind Mita says Cappie's memories were reset.

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