


Alabel said:

The weird part is, master being close to a breakdown was a thing, but in Kama's interlude and it focuses more on being tired.

I agree, that is kinda weird.
There have been points in the story that delved deeper into the player character, most notably the Id chapter, but none of them delve directly into any possible trauma Guda might have from all the genociding.

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    bleh166 said:

    I agree, that is kinda weird.
    There have been points in the story that delved deeper into the player character, most notably the Id chapter, but none of them delve directly into any possible trauma Guda might have from all the genociding.

    I do wish that point would be tackle, i mean sure, we are pruning away "theoretical" timelines, which naturally wouldn't exist because our timeline is the true timeline. Still, it doesnt change the fact that our character is destroying whole worlds of people who up to that point, have been fighting to live in the world they inhabitant. Except the faries cause screw the fairies.

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    bunkhead said:

    Little girls in giant hats is not something LWA invented.
    But I agree, combined with the outfit and the style of the image it oozes LWA energy.

    I think the Touhou fans would come for my kneecaps if I said otherwise, but the white witch hat and red hair was making me think Suletta was cosplaying as Shiny Chariot at first.

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