


"Rio, I'm single, you're single, what do you say we get married?"
"Well, I'm glad you finally decided on the direct approach."
"Well, I'm a businessman at heart."
"As am I. What's your offer?"
"Single rich male seeks matrimony."
"Primary residence?"
"Northeast section of D.U."
"Would you be open to considering a secondary residence in Millennium?"
"Central Park West?"
"Done. Time spent together?"
"8 hours, 5 days a week."
"7 hours, 12 hours weekends."
"55 hours aggregate, specifics to be determined later."
"I'm amenable to that."

"Done. But, one of them has to be a male."
"I'll see what I can do. Vacation?"
"December, Hawaii."
"June, the Vineyard."
"June, fine, but Hawaii."
"Nope, the Vineyard."
"Is that a deal breaker for you?"
"I'm afraid so."
"Me too. Well, we gave it a shot."
"I'm sure you'll find a better match."
"Thanks for the time."

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    Kaktus_Lata said:

    It's the kind of face that would lead people to assume she's being cool and aloof whenever she gets too anxious to talk.

    Mhm. Taking Ryo's advice to heart. "Cool virtuoso" is definitely a more expected look on a lead guitarist rather than a bassist...

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