post #9000000 GET!



RNGCombo said:

So is the First Rule of Vtuber Rebirths being unofficially discarded here or was it never really as big a thing as it is in the general fanbase?

If you mean mentioning past lives? No, not as big an issue anymore. Just don't use the old name on stream and you are fine. The VTubers want their old audience to find them. Just not the legal issues of using a name they could get sued for.

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    Mastine said:

    If you mean mentioning past lives? No, not as big an issue anymore.

    Well, now there are quite a few extremely prominent past lives that would be quite difficult to avoid talking about (as opposed to the past-past lives which were mostly obscure with a few exceptions) and I wonder if that will end up causing issues at some point.

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    It's mainly a courtesy thing to the talent and their craft - just don't act discourteous during interactions. Remember, she's Nimi now, not "before-Nimi", and that's all that should matter.

    PL's are a soapbox, not a lectern. The performer is elevated by them but the people further back in the audience won't see them.


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    Shebadotfr said:

    So.... Captain America or Metal Gear Solid?

    Could be either, so SSK is Captain Ark or Unchained Snake.

    The only plot hole that I can see in the event is that Vapaus blood type would be known the researchers in MMR if they experimented with SSK, meaning that at least one of them would have tried to take him to make a Vapaus factory out of him out of curiosity on what Vapaus does... Unless Jien had the data removed and killed anyone that tried that in order to see how far Project A.D would go.

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