post #9000000 GET!


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Eboreg said:

I dare you to find a more openly disloyal US federal government than the one Trump suffered in his first term.

I mean ultimately he just surrounds himself with grifters who only cares about themselves and no one else. How many of Trump's own closest men, past and present, used to compare him to Hitler? And how often has Trump quickly turned "I have never met him/her" the moment they became a slightest inconvenience? Or you know, the one time he openly welcome his supporters to hang his own VP.

Thing is if they were just a band of goofy vultures backstabbing each other, that'd be fine. Problem is they're the literal ruling people of a superpower nation.

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    azurelorochi said:

    I mean ultimately he just surrounds himself with grifters who only cares about themselves and no one else. How many of Trump's own closest men, past and present, used to compare him to Hitler? And how often has Trump quickly turned "I have never met him/her" the moment they became a slightest inconvenience? Or you know, the one time he openly welcome his supporters to hang his own VP.

    Everything there can be either explained or covered up by the American public losing faith in the increasingly poorly-named "mainstream" news media.

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    millionknives said:

    I know it's just an excuse for a very cute comic, but I have a hard time imagining Reimu having any interest at all in learning English...

    I imagine that Reimu just wanted to comment that English looked weird, but then Remi proposed tutoring, and Reimu couldn't find a way to wiggle out of it.

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