post #9000000 GET!


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gnosha said:
Why not just draw original art instead of blackwashing? Or actual indian mythology. Tons of fantastic topics there.

If you knew anything about Okina Matara you’d realize how funny this statement is. Okina is based off of the Buddhist God Matarajin. Who is in great part in real life based off of the Indian Hindu/Buddhist god Mahakala. Mahakala traveled alongside Buddhism, from India all the way to Japan, where he became Matarajin. I mean, it’s in the name. “Matara”, the Sanskrit word for “Mother”.

So really, this art right here? More accurate than a good majority of Touhou art.

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    nintendofreak768 said:

    I'm glad to see the story finally address her trauma and pain but...... This hurts to see

    I mean, I dunno how the artist for her managed to pull off that smile of hers, but even before I knew about her trauma in the game, I always felt like her half-smile and eyes were really damn sad. Tbf, it is a very familiar smile so that helps identify the type, but still, kudos to the artist.

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    Inquiry: Aren't Vulkans canonically even more emotional than Humans, but due to using certain kind of meditation and mindset alongside cultural... oppression let's just say, they often appear as they are not swayed by their own emotions?


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    Yes, as you can see this through how emotional (and paranoid) Romulans are. Also Frieren shows a decent amount of emotions, like her obvious annoyance when doing things she considers tedious to her, her over eagerness on looking through "treasure," or even her enthusiasm on collecting fake grimoires attributed to her mentor.

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    If Frieren was in Spock's position, she wouldn't advocate for Kirk to sign peace treaties with the Klingons, she would've drove Enterprise to Qo'noS herself and detonated the Genesis Device. And Agent Sloan (or whoever was in charge of Section 31 in late 22th Century) would have called her boss.

    "How can there be war crimes if there is no war???" --- Gul Darhe'el Frieren, probably

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