


Anti-globalism, despite depending on nations with some of the highest human rights abuses for their arms and weapons materials. Then also exploiting the impoverishment of the global South to recruit mercenaries by dangling large paychecks, bonuses, and an opportunity to obtain a Russian passport because their own nation's passports grant little access to other countries. Shouldn't be forgotten too the large number of cargo planes loaded with gold that Russia flew out of impoverished African nations operated by governments in the pocket of the Russian government.

For a country claiming to fight for the global South they certainly don't hesitate to exploit them, nor have issues aligning themselves with nations who also don't hesitate to trample on poorer nations.

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    Dannk said:

    @Nmless you manually deleted the source. Where did you get this?

    Ohโ€ฆ This is an online picture I saved a long time ago, on February 8, 2023. Today I saw someone use it as an avatar. The resolution of that picture is not high enough, and because I couldnโ€™t find this picture on danbooru, I uploaded the picture in my phone instead of the one I saved.
    This is why there is no source. It is the same as post #8261168. I collected it from the Internet, so I didnโ€™t mark the source.
    Although post #8261168 is from the Internet, I found the artist based on my impression of the style, so I marked the artist.
    Back to this post, before uploading, I still used saucenao and Google to find the source of this picture as usual, but Google didnโ€™t have any results. Saucenao showed a deleted work and user from P station, so I thought it was just a deleted work.
    If I knew it was AI, or I could tell it was AI, I would definitely not upload it, sorry.

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    NaiArent said:

    why are comments where pictures are called cute disliked?

    If you were to fall down a well, and then I came across your predicament, and then I were to say โ€œOh look, it appears you have fallen down a wellโ€, you wouldnโ€™t classify that statement as โ€œhelpfulโ€, โ€œinformativeโ€, or โ€œparticularly enjoyableโ€, now would you?

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    LOTR3 said:

    If you were to fall down a well, and then I came across your predicament, and then I were to say โ€œOh look, it appears you have fallen down a wellโ€, you wouldnโ€™t classify that statement as โ€œhelpfulโ€, โ€œinformativeโ€, or โ€œparticularly enjoyableโ€, now would you?

    What predicament are they not helping with?

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