


spierdalacz said:

Three waves of feminism busted their own (and our) balls to make it legal and easier for you to work, and now you don't want to.

Wait until you see her male coworkers complain the same thing and you'll see.

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    I know Japan has a very infamous reputation for large businesses abusing their employees in total impunity (except for a few bad bosses who pushed the envelope so much they ended up in court), but it's not just Japan: there is a visible trend of soul-crushing workplace cultures in office environments in all developed countries, from treating employees like children to constantly keeping tabs on them even off the clock. Thanks for nothing, modernity.

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    Adding the "Black Hawk Down" tag since we don't have a more generic tag for the Battle of Mogadishu. The date in the top right corner (3 October 1993) makes it pretty clear that it's in reference to the equipment carried at the time.

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