


Context - BRIDE, company known for bucket seats/racing seats for cars ala RECARO... now has an anime girl mascot, or something. She's called ่ตคๅบงใฟใ„ใญ.

Note: She's sat on a BRIDE GIAS III, and her stockings reference BRIDE's signature seat colour pattern (at least on the black ones. I'm not a racing seat otaku, so correct me if I'm off.)


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    LenaLatoya said:

    Why are so many Takagi images rated sensitive for no good reason? I get if its a bikini or suggestive pose, but this?

    Because the site didn't always have the General rating and this post, and probably most of the ones you've found, were originally rated "Safe". This wasn't an update that could be automated so there's still thousands of posts that are still rated S because no one's gotten to them yet.

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