I vaguely remember seeing this scenery from some anime. I'm almost certain both are a reference to something. Can't remember the source, unfortunately.
In ZZZ's fishing minigame, either playable character can fish up sharks weighing up to 180kg/396lbs, and it seemingly takes as little effort as fishing up a .7kg/1.5lbs minnow.
In ZZZ's fishing minigame, either playable character can fish up sharks weighing up to 180kg/396lbs, and it seemingly takes as little effort as fishing up a .7kg/1.5lbs minnow.
Well, these two goobers survived an explosion point blank range so any feats of strange strength isn't too surprising.
.... I honestly don't know how to feel about the fact that Belle was able to wrangle what is maybe a 180kg shark while sporting those 'beefy' arms. I've wrangled a Catfish that weighed in 24.8kg and that was hard. Although fictional for someone so small and lightweight, it's impressive.
Speaking of... Has Uma!Orfie's story or campaign ever referenced that incident? I'm honestly a bit surprised that my usual sources haven't brought it up (yet)...
Speaking of... Has Uma!Orfie's story or campaign ever referenced that incident? I'm honestly a bit surprised that my usual sources haven't brought it up (yet)...
Nothing turned up on my usual sources yet either, other than brief mentions of a stat-boosting/hp draining event (without description given) if you get Orfie to defy history and finish Hanshin Daishoten at first place.