


NNescio said:

Joker's still has some luck left, since Still In Love hasn't joined the fray... yet.

Amusing he didn't added new umas that are canonically /love/ trainer. But that might run out once Still is out of the gate.

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    IndustriousMechanic said:

    In ZZZ's fishing minigame, either playable character can fish up sharks weighing up to 180kg/396lbs, and it seemingly takes as little effort as fishing up a .7kg/1.5lbs minnow.

    Well, these two goobers survived an explosion point blank range so any feats of strange strength isn't too surprising.

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    .... I honestly don't know how to feel about the fact that Belle was able to wrangle what is maybe a 180kg shark while sporting those 'beefy' arms.
    I've wrangled a Catfish that weighed in 24.8kg and that was hard. Although fictional for someone so small and lightweight, it's impressive.

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    sanitaeter said:

    Given that every other entry in the "Fund It!"-pool is a Gundam mecha, should there be a own pool like "Desireable Gundam Mechas"?

    Removing everything from the pool that was added by this specific uploader would be a better solution.

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    Jnglmpera said:

    Speaking of... Has Uma!Orfie's story or campaign ever referenced that incident? I'm honestly a bit surprised that my usual sources haven't brought it up (yet)...

    Nothing turned up on my usual sources yet either, other than brief mentions of a stat-boosting/hp draining event (without description given) if you get Orfie to defy history and finish Hanshin Daishoten at first place.

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