post #9000000 GET!



Lunatic6 said:

it would have been funnier if Rio got hers first before Seia, but still congrats anyway.

No, what would have been really funny is if Seia became playable but still didn't have any voiced lines, or if she appeared in the tv show or some other promotional material and got voiced without becoming playable. If I was in charge of BA, I don't think I could have resisted the temptation to do both - make Seia playable while also letting her talk in promo material, but leave her deliberately unvoiced in-game specifically to fuck with people.

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    Memoria Description:

    Rarity: *4
    Memoria Type: Passive
    Ability: Blast Damage UP [IV] & Attack UP [III]
    Max Limit Break Ability: Blast Damage UP [V] & Attack UP [IV]
    Description (JP): 積み上げてきた大切な過去は、もう捨てることにした…
    想いを馳せてきた幸福な未来は、すでに心の奥に隠した… ただ見ないふりをして、自分の本音から耳を閉ざしていただけだから
    Description (ENG): I have decided to throw away the precious past that I've built up...
    I have already hidden the happy future I have been thinking about in the back of my mind... I just pretended not to see them and closed my ears from my true feelings
    I couldn't bear to let the memories fade away, so I let myself fade away

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  • [hidden]

    Knowledge_Seeker said:

    Memoria Description:

    Description (ENG): I have decided to throw away the precious past that I've built up...
    I have already hidden the happy future I have been thinking about in the back of my mind... I just pretended not to see them and closed my ears from my true feelings
    I couldn't bear to let the memories fade away, so I let myself fade away


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    Apparently, the uploader decided to make a poorly written wiki entry for this guy. I couldn't verify any of it. In fact, the very first Google result for "larry-graves gulf-war" (quotes not used in search) is that same wiki. Since this is clearly a troll upload, I can't even be sure if the guy's name is correct.

    I left the chartag but deleted the wiki, mainly because I can't verify the claims. If I'm wrong, the wiki can always be restored, but I have a strong feeling we won't need to. Apologies if I'm overstepping.

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