


RaisinBread said:

The context behind these cards being together is they make up the most annoying deck to play against in master duel, since every move you make will be negated and their opening combo takes forever

Cry me a river

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    Sadly, the Royal Scots Regiment (what used to be the oldest regiment in the Scottish/British Army) now no longer exist. The regiment has been amalgamated with multiple other Scottish regiments into the Royal Regiment of Scotland (which is all the other Scottish regiments merged together to save costs) with the exception of the Scots Guards.

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    DevilAngel_Sepureth said:

    Why do people ship her with Yuugi?

    They had a good scene in Cheating Detective Satori where Yuugi gave her booze, listened to her vent about her motivations and went from being mad at her to deciding to help her with her revenge.

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