A sudden platinum upgrade raffle has appeared!



Alixiron said:

It's this character but the wiki is currently kinda incomplete: https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Mysterious_Servant
I am guessing she's a very recently released character or sth cause even the jp side didn't seem to have much on her from a cursory search.

Showed up in the Xmas event, which may or may not have pulled an OC3(Again) on us due to a heavy emphasis on Foreigners as a class, Byakhees appearing as enemies, and the story ending with a big hole opening up in the sky. Speculation is she's either Bastet or Hastur.

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    Re: translation: the date looks like it's meant to be interpreted as the 21st of December, not 12th, given the date of the image's posting on the source (it wasn't posted on 12th Dec 2021).

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    Nell said:

    Re: translation: the date looks like it's meant to be interpreted as the 21st of December, not 12th, given the date of the image's posting on the source (it wasn't posted on 12th Dec 2021).

    Seems YSOMN wrote 12 instead of 21 by mistake. Fixed the commentary and note

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