Nene: Dear NePoLaBo members, Nene: Hello, NePoLaBo! Polka: Hello, NePoLaBo! Nene: Um, please insult me. I’ll leave it to you! Botan: Huh? You think I’ll do that for free? Nene: You idiot! Do you think I’d actually do that? What a piece of trash... Don’t come near me! Nene: Next, Po! Polka: Umm... So, uh... No. Lamy: Nooo! Botan: Oh, I like that. Lamy: That hurt...! Polka: Go away. Don’t come near me. Nene: Next, La! Lamy: Somehow, what Polka said really stings... Polka: But...! I'm just following orders! Nene: La? Say something! Lamy: You smell... Polka: That’s...! Maybe there are people who like that kind of thing, though? Lamy: But asking to be insulted means that, doesn’t it? Nene: Whoa, "You smell..." Polka: Oh... is that what it means? Sorry, I was just trying to decline. Nene: Wait, get close to the mic and sniff a little before you say it. Lamy: (Sniffs) Polka: Gross!! Lamy: You smell... Polka: Don’t do that next to me, it’s scary. Lamy: Noo... You don’t smell..! Polka: Still, it’s kind of unsettling... unbelievable. Nene: Next, Bo! Botan: Pass! Lamy: Wait, you’re just gonna pass? Nene: But actually, this is... Botan: On the contrary... Nene: It kind of feels like an insult by itself. Botan: On the contrary... Lamy: Oh, so passing itself is a form of insult? Polka: Well, the opposite of love is indifference, after all Lamy: It hurts...! I hate it... Nene: Whoa, this is getting kind of deep... Lamy: If I hear someone say "Pass" it’ll really hurt... Polka: Oh no... Nene: For some people, it might really hit home Lamy: Yeah, for some people, it really hits home...