


sinning said:

as far as i know, there's no f2p way to either get or lose an amount of lunacy that isn't a multiple of 5... that means netzach is p2w

Pretty sure you can use lunacy to refill enkephalin, costing 26 the first time

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    sinning said:

    as far as i know, there's no f2p way to either get or lose an amount of lunacy that isn't a multiple of 5... that means netzach is p2w

    Back in the early days, PM did a test of the mailing function where they gave out 1 single lunacy. They gave out the other 99 not long after, but I bet Netzach here could have let the 99 lunacy expire as a joke.

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    To further back up 0xCCBA696, let us assume that thinking automatically implies existence, and not thinking does not imply existence nor non-existence. Thus, given that you, clearly, were not thinking when you wrote that post, we have no way of knowing if YOU exist or not.

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