An humble but just interjection About "True Youkai Extermination"... Marisa is not an human villager,"she would be a "human eccentric" nor "magicians youkai" are normally dangerous to Gensokyo's balance and health...
...Be as it may the "True Extermination" would not be as "extermination lethal" as inflicted upon the ("Forbidden Scrollery")"Jinyou(*Youkai-turned human-dark arts)Fortune Teller,formely a suicide human reasearcher and studen about fortune-telling "because the greater effect, beyond sealing-grade("Forbidden Scrollery"->"(Sealing)Scroll of the One-Hundred...",(Sealed)Enenra","Sealed Evil Dragon",all the "Youkai-sealing Youma Books".)is "upon the more evil/wicked/maliciously impure"the being is such as was the *Jinyou Fortune Teller,who is an evil spirit-born Youkai,strongly hinting to be equal to a fully-malicious evil spirit ,youkai like the ..
...The "opposite example" is upon the ("Forbidden Scrollery""Young(Youkai)Fox Student" which was shown to be harmless and pliable to pass through it , the "Hakurei Trap-Panel imbued with the "Hakurei God and Hakurei Shrined virtue of extermating Youkai" ,because "as innocent as possible".
Probably not related to the image, but there is currently a crowdfunding campaign open to raise money to make a new music video with the original cast (Haruhi, Mikuru, and Nagato). The campaign goal was 10m yen (~$66.4k USD) but currently they're at over triple that and reached an expanded goal so they're now doing 3 songs and accompanying music videos.
"I didn't do the bad thing I did yesterday". Either you try to get a point by cheating or you just revealed something Star Nun had no knowledge about, Clumsy.
Turkey: "Why are we supporting her?" Turkey with Flag: "Her influence on ducks also apparently works on us as well."
Nue is a different case. a nue is a known species of youkai, just one with inconsistent descriptions on their biology. A Tenkajin isn't a real species of Youkai.
Also, Nue would more likely revel in being seen as weird or mysterious. If anything, she'd probably be jealous of Tenkajin for being an actually unknown species.
A Tenkajin is an actual species of Youkai, though.
I'm curious where you could have gotten the idea that she was a made up youkai, just because she's named after her species.
easy, there is a twitter account that took all the information he could on day 1 of the release of touhou 19, he said that Tenkajin is an invented species, and many people copied it without verifying anything.
The three of them exclusively share the same trait, at least visual theme-wise: being the symbol of lowest outcast of modern society A convict, a hobo and a drug addict Not sure if there's any other 2hus that fit the bill, Seija might be close since she's an anarchist troublemaker