


The Geneva Convention has always been hard to enforce due to its writers being pretty far removed from the battlefield in question and failing to properly understand the realities of what's going on leading to numerous jokes about the "Geneva Suggestions". Laws can often be broken by both sides to gain a military advantage and more blatant violations can easily get swept under the rug in order to protect more capable commanders. That said, targeting enemy children that aren't a threat is unnecessarily brutal and can easily cause some really nasty resentment making the war far more destructive than necessary, which is what the rules of war were designed to prevent. While this conflict has the presence of combatants like the Northern Ocean Princess, the Northern Little Sister, PT Imps, Akatsuki, and the kaiboukans making interpretations of "age" far more up in the air compared to normal humans, the victims here are clearly underdeveloped compared even to the examples I provided considerably simplifying the issue and the presence of an enemy combatant who may be willing to testify about the situation in the war crimes trial stacks things against these "poachers" even further.

In short: they're fucked.


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    Eboreg said:

    The Geneva Convention has always been hard to enforce due to its writers being pretty far removed from the battlefield in question and failing to properly understand the realities of what's going on leading to numerous jokes about the "Geneva Suggestions". Laws can often be broken by both sides to gain a military advantage and more blatant violations can easily get swept under the rug in order to protect more capable commanders. That said, targeting enemy children that aren't a threat is unnecessarily brutal and can easily cause some really nasty resentment making the war far more destructive than necessary, which is what the rules of war were designed to prevent. While this conflict has the presence of combatants like the Northern Ocean Princess, the Northern Little Sister, PT Imps, Akatsuki, and the kaiboukans making interpretations of "age" far more up in the air compared to normal humans, the victims here are clearly underdeveloped compared even to the examples I provided considerably simplifying the issue and the presence of an enemy combatant who may be willing to testify about the situation in the war crimes trial stacks things against these "poachers" even further.

    In short: they're fucked.

    Don't think the Abyssals are even considered a nation-state with rights to self-determination, forget a signatory of any of the Geneva or Hague conventions, and at least with Kancolle doujins, shipgirls rarely have inalienable rights, forget the Abyssals.

    Furthermore, considering how widespread the abyssal threat is and the fact that they do not recognize civilian from military as far as we know, you'd think no quarter and total war would be norm for most militaries, considering all abyssal targets as legitimate targets part of the enemy war machine.

    If anything I'm surprised Victorian, Edwardian and World War-era massacres of children and the unarmed aren't more common, especially if there are bounties on Abyssal trophies like the scalper days.


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    Nepped_cadia said:

    Don't think the Abyssals are even considered a nation-state with rights to self-determination, forget a signatory of any of the Geneva or Hague conventions, and at least with Kancolle doujins, shipgirls rarely have inalienable rights, forget the Abyssals.

    Furthermore, considering how widespread the abyssal threat is and the fact that they do not recognize civilian from military as far as we know, you'd think no quarter and total war would be norm for most militaries, considering all abyssal targets as legitimate targets part of the enemy war machine.

    If anything I'm surprised Victorian, Edwardian and World War-era massacres of children and the unarmed aren't more common, especially if there are bounties on Abyssal trophies like the scalper days.

    OTOH, their previous actions may have lead to high command looking for an excuse to get rid of them...

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    Humans do be the real monsters,whilst wee babies like that have no laws to protect 'em.

    If anything,they'd count as an invasive species.

    What the poachers plus their supposedly Abyssal counterpart were planning do with those younglings...will require a part four.

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    Could also be Firestar, the artist didn't specify and I can't tell since the other front paw isn't visible... But the feminine appearance makes me think Squirrelstar.

    NVM, compared to artist's design of Squirrelstar. Definitely Firestar.


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    TL stolen from an anon

    Voice-only: Welcome, to our Kapila

    Dormitory #01
    Yu no Oka - Dormitory that looks like an old ryokan:
    A ryokan which was closed down a long time ago was repaired and remade into a dormitory. It's an old wooden building, which makes the students complain a lot, but the natural baths enjoy a good reputation. Rumors say there is a legendary onsen hidden somewhere in the dorm.

    Character #01
    Ohitome Kotone - A country girl yearning for the fancy city life
    "Back home we had to bathe in the river even during winter. I love our dorm's onsen."

    After getting fed up by her grandma's complaints, she ran away from home and ended up in Kapila by accident.
    After grandma sent her a message saying she'd get punished after she comes home, Kotone decided to stay (can't really make it out because of the sword). Anyway, she has no intention of going back to a place where you can't even get hot water. Onsens are the best.

    Dormitory #02
    Ura no Tsukasa - Onmyouji dormitory which wield great power in Kapila
    One of Kapila's largest and most poweful dormitories. It used to be a place solely for the purpose of raising new onmyouji. The times have changed and the purpose is now different, but the customs have been engrained and you can see glimpses of the onmyoudou culture all over the place.

    Character #02
    Kuzunoha Rei - Elite girl who wields the power of onmyoudou
    "...I don't want to waste time with idle talk."

    A user of a unique fighting style which relies on the precognitive powers of onymoudou. She is considered by many to be the strongest in the whole dormitory. Her reputation is that of an honor student doesn't interact much with others. Even those who actually know her feel that she keeps her distance.
    She won't give a second thought to things that don't interest her, but when something catches her attention, she becomes quite obsessive about it. Her dorm bed is decorated by her precious rabbit plushies, since it's ___ to sleep alone.
    (can't continue because the text is blocked)

    Dormitory #03
    Shingikan - Athletic dormitory which aims for perfect balance between strength of body and mind
    The large dormitory in Kapila. Considering how many students it has, there is a strict discipline and order in place. But again, because of the sheer numbers, there are delinquents popping up here and there.

    Character #03
    Ashiharatsumori Koito - A polite small beast
    "Huh? If you want to fight me, then send an official challenge first"

    ______ (beginning of the description is not visible)
    But she doesn't stick her nose into ___. Despite fighting often getting herself and her surroundings in trouble, she always accepts challenges from the many students who want to fight her. One can see Koito's sincerity in her actions.

    Dormitory #04
    Man'youshuu - A refined library-style dorm located in the city's booktown district.
    Streets filled with bookstores and antiquarian shops. That's where their dorm is located. The building itself has become a giant library filled with poems, folksongs, and stories. The dorm prouds itself with an antique store with the best selection of old books. The students look eccentric, which gives off a bad impression to outsiders, but in reality they are just free spirits who love the written word.

    Character #04
    Itokonoue Kaoru - A stylish bookworm
    "All I can write are poems. Is that good enough for you?"

    A girl with a lonely look on her face. An avid reader who often talks in metaphors like a poet. She dresses flashy, but at the same time gives off a delicate aura. Sometimes you can catch a glimpse of strange passion in her eyes.

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