post #9000000 GET!



Alright, ramblings of a madman comment because I couldn't just keep quiet about how ingenious "Sangetsusei" is as a title:

Sangetsusei → 三月精

三精 (sansei) is a word (although I reckon a pretty obscure one) used to designate the three lights: the sun, the moon, and the stars (Eiki does talk about this when discussing the 60-year cycle with Reimu).

Now, I'm fairly confident that this word was the origin of the concept for the three fairies of light: partly because their names, designs and personalities are based on the aforementioned three lights, and partly because the 精 kanji is one often used to talk about spirits and it's part of 妖精 (yousei), which means "fairy".

Finally, "sangetsusei" is in and of itself another reference to the three lights. "San", as close to the English pronunciation of "sun", "getsu" is the reading and the literal kanji for "moon, and "sei" is also the reading for 星, the kanji for "star".

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    RandomSpectator said:

    The thing that makes Burnice more terrifying than Pyro is that she actually KNOWS what she’s doing, and from the looks of things, she likes it!

    I don’t think so. Burnice may have some hesitation on burning some things, and people. Pyro, as shown in the comics, usually hallucinates the world as very dull and grey. Rainbows and candyland is specifically how he sees fire. To him, fire makes things happy, so he has no hesitation, no remorse. He is making everything happier. Do you want him to make you happy too?

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    Can someone help me find an art please?
    It was of a blonde girl turning in profile to the left side, her mouth was open and instead of a tongue, small tentacles. The curious thing is that it did not have the tags "tentacle tongue" or "multiple tongues".
    I saw it a few days ago and now I can't find it.

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    KUROsaki_SATOru said:

    Can someone help me find an art please?
    It was of a blonde girl turning in profile to the left side, her mouth was open and instead of a tongue, small tentacles. The curious thing is that it did not have the tags "tentacle tongue" or "multiple tongues".
    I saw it a few days ago and now I can't find it.

    Post: 4928350 perhaps?
    By: ineuoy

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