


Independencecomic said:

Technically both Sonic and Scott are/was with a girl that is still under the age, Amy was 9/12 when Sonic was in his 20s and Knives was 17 when Scott was 23

Sonic is 15, still older than Amy yes, but not that much older.

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    GreyOmega said:

    • Issued a directive barring the censorship of American citizens’ constitutionally protected speech by the federal government. [Note: Specifically bars the Federal Government from trying to combat misinformation]


    The Federal Government didn't do a great job anyways when we look at the Hunter Biden Laptop story, which they FALSLY treated as misinformation.
    Great to have free speech back!

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    Akitsukii said:

    The Federal Government didn't do a great job anyways when we look at the Hunter Biden Laptop story, which they FALSLY treated as misinformation.
    Great to have free speech back!

    Making shit up and using your platform to spread it for the sake of political gains isn't free speech, its racketeering.

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    meanorange said:

    All of it is great for America and Americans.

    Unless you're non-binary, immigrant, federal employee, ecologist (or, well, literally anybody that could be affected by the climate crisis), woman, low income prescription drug user, transperson, refugee, victim of discrimination, opponent of the death penalty... But of course, no one will have arguments against ironclad takes like Vae victis or Après moi, le déluge and there are also very different definitions of what is "great". After all, some Americans would be unironically happy about the possibility of annexing Canada or handing over Ukraine to Putin, like Afghanistan to the Taliban. Other Americans would certainly call great a good health care, affordable education, workers' rights and a green future, but America is not for them right now, America is great now for populist crap such as renaming some gulf and a mountain... you know how much better the life immediately becomes after this, right?

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