


It only just occurred to me thanks to the commentary here (assuming I've interpreted it correctly) that, if you combine certain somewhat common headcanons about Sakuya's background with RemiRei, then yeah, you end up with Sakuya becoming effectively Reimu's step-daughter.

They'd both absolutely hate it, don't you think?

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    sinning said:

    as far as i know, there's no f2p way to either get or lose an amount of lunacy that isn't a multiple of 5... that means netzach is p2w

    Pretty sure you can use lunacy to refill enkephalin, costing 26 the first time

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    sinning said:

    as far as i know, there's no f2p way to either get or lose an amount of lunacy that isn't a multiple of 5... that means netzach is p2w

    Back in the early days, PM did a test of the mailing function where they gave out 1 single lunacy. They gave out the other 99 not long after, but I bet Netzach here could have let the 99 lunacy expire as a joke.

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    To further back up 0xCCBA696, let us assume that thinking automatically implies existence, and not thinking does not imply existence nor non-existence. Thus, given that you, clearly, were not thinking when you wrote that post, we have no way of knowing if YOU exist or not.

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