A sudden platinum upgrade raffle has appeared!


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sanitaeter said:

Is this really a girl? "Female rhinoceros beetles lacks of any horns". The clothing is open at the front but reveals no breasts nor cleavage. Could this be a boy?

At first I thought it was a boy, but many times the artist has depicted the insects as female. So I wasn't so sure during the taggings. If it is a boy, I have no problem retagging again

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    HungryForYou said:

    At first I thought it was a boy, but many times the artist has depicted the insects as female. So I wasn't so sure during the taggings. If it is a boy, I have no problem retagging again

    One of the few times they've explicitly shown one of the characters as male was a strip about male mosquitos and how they're not the ones that bite.

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    RNGCombo said:

    If you compare how she sizes up with that hand against how G-chan does you'll realize that G-chan is almost twice her size which is not very typical for a pest-type roach. The ornamental/pet types yes, but not the type most people want to keep out of houses.

    Well, would *you* want to keep G-chan out of your house? :D

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    Solarchos said:

    Which event? I don't think I've reached that far into the game.

    Scherzo of Iron and Blood. To be more specific the relationship between Bismarck and U-556. Based on real history, U-556 swore an oath to protect Bismarck whenever and wherever she could, complete with it being presented to Bisamarck as a signed oath.

    Here's the direct qoute from the story:
    "I, U-556, hereby declare before Neptune, Lord over oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, brooks, ponds, and rivulets,

    that I will provide any desired assistance to my ally and Lord, battleship Bismarck,

    at any place on the water, under water, on land, or in the air.

    Signed: U-556, Parzival of The Seas
    At the bottom, U-556 had made a drawing of herself towing her Lord Bismarck back to port."

    Combined with the picture serving as the background when the oath was quoted it was...kinda heart-breaking, you know

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    kB007 said:

    Scherzo of Iron and Blood. To be more specific the relationship between Bismarck and U-556. Based on real history, U-556 swore an oath to protect Bismarck whenever and wherever she could, complete with it being presented to Bisamarck as a signed oath.

    Here's the direct qoute from the story:
    "I, U-556, hereby declare before Neptune, Lord over oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, brooks, ponds, and rivulets,

    that I will provide any desired assistance to my ally and Lord, battleship Bismarck,

    at any place on the water, under water, on land, or in the air.

    Signed: U-556, Parzival of The Seas
    At the bottom, U-556 had made a drawing of herself towing her Lord Bismarck back to port."

    Combined with the picture serving as the background when the oath was quoted it was...kinda heart-breaking, you know

    What make that more even tragic is IRL during the Sinking of Bismarck U-556 was actually in the area but ran out of ammunition and could not help. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_submarine_U-556#The_sinking_of_Bismarck

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    Is it just me, or does it look like Hood's right eye is not there in the top right frame? Judging from how she is drawn in the other frames, it looks a little off.

    I'm glad that no one got in trouble. I don't think the European militaries care as much, but for the US forces, DUIs and such are really super bad for your service record.

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    HawkeyeNFO said:

    Is it just me, or does it look like Hood's right eye is not there in the top right frame? Judging from how she is drawn in the other frames, it looks a little off.

    I'm glad that no one got in trouble. I don't think the European militaries care as much, but for the US forces, DUIs and such are really super bad for your service record.

    and who could they give the DUI charge to?

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