Imagine Osaka is your kid's teacher. Do you transfer schools or stay?
Based on seeing how other anime and manga teachers are, I think Osaka is fine for pre-teen. Though I would prefer more serious teachers for my kids when they are are preparing for high school/college.
Exactly! Killing a whole bunch of people is a-okay if YOUR higher authority says it's cool!
Except that landsknechte are mercenaries, specifically, who aren't really fighting for any greater cause beyond their paychecks. Anyone who not only chooses a profession like that but thrives in it probably has an attitude towards killing that isn't far removed from that of a crazed gunman, even if "one is a job while the other's mental sickness".
Except that landsknechte are mercenaries, specifically, who aren't really fighting for any greater cause beyond their paychecks. Anyone who not only chooses a profession like that but thrives in it probably has an attitude towards killing that isn't far removed from that of a crazed gunman, even if "one is a job while the other's mental sickness".
A healthy society needs to provide a niche for the people that do not fit within the boundaries of what's socially acceptable, because those types are always going to exist, so you might as well find something they're inclined to do that does help you instead of ignoring them and keeping them as silent ticking time bombs. Especially the crazed gunmen.