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Damian0358 said:

I also don't think you can compare LGBT people and Muslims to Neo-Nazis in terms of marginalized groups, that's patently absurd.

No, I am comparing middle-eastern muslim extremists with neo-nazis, which is completely fair, especially given how much both want to genocide the jews. This post and this image are in support of the palestinian state, not of any random muslims. "Not a muslim" is a laughable statement to make here. We're not talking about all muslims, we're talking about a muslim country governed by an extremist sect and bordering Israel, which about half a year ago conducted a raid into Israel to kidnap, rape and kill hundreds of people (which is incidentally the immediate reason for the recent invasion, something people posting this kind of garbage often conveniently forget).

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    nonamethanks said:

    No, I am comparing middle-eastern muslim extremists with neo-nazis, which is completely fair, especially given how much both want to genocide the jews. This post and this image are in support of the palestinian state, not of any random muslims. We're talking about a muslim country governed by an extremist sect and bordering Israel, which about half a year ago conducted a raid into Israel to kidnap, rape and kill hundreds of people (which is incidentally the immediate reason for the recent invasion, something people posting this kind of garbage often conveniently forget).

    And as noted even in the wiki page you linked, there are functionally two Palestinian states, the one in the West Bank and the one in Gaza, with the latter one being the one you're talking about, the one I mentioned that has even alienated the traditional Muslim world. You can't look me in the eyes and tell me that someone supporting Palestine is also someone who explicitly supports Hamas, because they aren't one and the same - it's literally the kind of stuff Israel says to justify action on the West Bank because they push for equalizing Palestine with Hamas in Gaza (doubly so given how much Netanyahu's actions have allowed Hamas to grow in strength over the years, enabling that raid to occur in the first place and giving them justification for invasion).

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    Damian0358 said:

    And as noted even in the wiki page you linked, there are functionally two Palestinian states, the one in the West Bank and the one in Gaza

    The page was not about Hamas, it was about Palestine as a whole. The Palestinian Authority hates gays (and jews) as much as Hamas. They even tried banning gay activists as a whole (look into Al Qaws, for example) before having to backpedal due to huge protests. Putting the Palestine flag next to a bunch of gay flags is no different than using the flag of Saudi Arabia or Nigeria. It's a fucking joke.

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    nonamethanks said:

    The page was not about Hamas, it was about Palestine as a whole. The Palestinian Authority even tried banning gay activists as a whole (look into Al Qaws, for example) before having to backpedal due to huge protests. They hates gays (and jews) as much as Hamas.

    And I had mentioned Al Qaws earlier, but if you were to read the page in detail, you'd find the offenses lean more towards the end of Hamas than the Palestinian Authority. If the Palestinian Authority hated gays as much as Hamas, they wouldn't have backpedaled, especially as, practically speaking, they could've just simply refused. Neighboring Jordan continues to have similar issues with police restricting LGBT people from organizing social events, despite being seen as more LGBT-friendly relative to other Muslim countries, and no one is about to say the Jordanian government hates gays (similar to how individual US states or state police pushing anti-LGBT practices doesn't mean the US federal government hates gays). So if anything, the Palestinian Authority backpedaling proves they don't hate gays as much as Hamas.

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