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xSauriaNx said:

never forget Aoraki too.

Aoraki was only ridden by ikze only once or twice ultimately... Not only that, he was passed around too many jockeys, and even jurisdictions, at this point to be counted as a Team ikze member...

EDIT: OK ikze rode him more than a few times, but my point still stands considering he's been transferred to at least two or three NAR divisions this year alone :/


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    Jnglmpera said:

    Aoraki was only ridden by ikze only once or twice ultimately... Not only that, he was passed around too many jockeys, and even jurisdictions, at this point to be counted as a Team ikze member...

    EDIT: OK ikze rode him more than a few times, but my point still stands considering he's been transferred to at least two or three NAR divisions this year alone :/

    I still count it as an okay. :DogeKek:

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    VTT for English subs
    Kind: captions
    Language: en
    ::cue(c.colorA0AAB4) { color: rgb(160,170,180);
    ::cue(c.colorE3567A) { color: rgb(227,86,122);
    ::cue(c.colorFFDD88) { color: rgb(255,221,136);
    00:00:01.352 --> 00:00:04.321 position:61%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorE3567A><b>​ ​Maybe I look better in glasses​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:05.322 --> 00:00:08.192 position:70%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorE3567A><b>​ ​I could go on the stage with glasses​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:08.325 --> 00:00:11.328 position:83%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorE3567A><b>​ ​It could be a hot topic on the social media!​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:12.663 --> 00:00:14.832 position:64%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorE3567A><b>​ ​An eyewear brand from ANON TOKYO​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:15.099 --> 00:00:17.201 position:81%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorE3567A><b>​ ​Anon-model glasses will sell like hotcakes!​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:17.501 --> 00:00:20.437 position:66%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorFFDD88><b>​ ​ANON TOKYO became an eyewear shop​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:20.571 --> 00:00:24.108 position:67%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorE3567A><b>​ ​Huh? You're right. That's strange.​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:24.108 --> 00:00:26.744 position:80%
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorFFDD88><b>​ ​Why not stand out with your guitar skills?​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    VTT for Korean subs
    Kind: captions
    Language: ko
    ::cue(c.colorA0AAB4) { color: rgb(160,170,180);
    ::cue(c.colorE3567A) { color: rgb(227,86,122);
    ::cue(c.colorFFDD88) { color: rgb(255,221,136);
    00:00:01.352 --> 00:00:04.321
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorE3567A><b>​ ​어쩌면 나 안경이 더 잘 어울릴지도?​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:05.322 --> 00:00:08.192
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorE3567A><b>​ ​예를 들어서 내가 안경 끼고 라이브에 나가서​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:08.325 --> 00:00:09.593
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorE3567A><b>​ ​그게 SNS에서​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:09.593 --> 00:00:11.328
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorE3567A><b>​ ​엄청 화제가 되는 거야!​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:12.663 --> 00:00:13.564
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorE3567A><b>​ ​ANON TOKYO의​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:13.564 --> 00:00:14.832
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorE3567A><b>​ ​안경 브랜드로​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:15.099 --> 00:00:17.201
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorE3567A><b>​ ​아논 모델 안경이 초대박!​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:17.501 --> 00:00:18.402
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorFFDD88><b>​ ​ANON TOKYO가​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:18.402 --> 00:00:20.437
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorFFDD88><b>​ ​안경점이 됐잖아​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:20.571 --> 00:00:24.108
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorE3567A><b>​ ​어라! 진짜네. 이상하네​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
    00:00:24.108 --> 00:00:26.744
    <c.colorA0AAB4>​​</c><c.colorFFDD88><b>​ ​기타 실력으로 눈에 띄면 되잖아?​ ​</b></c><c.colorA0AAB4>​</c>
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    xSauriaNx said:

    Kraft's VA also visited him iirc during the anniversary stream.

    gawd... is there no archives of past pakalives :PepeHands:

    Don't remember if they showed Blast, but I do remember Vermilion being featured somewhat prominently, and I also said hi to him as well... Sadly he passed not long after that :PepeHands:

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