post #9000000 GET!



Marshall_Allen31 said:

Don't worry, mayling will clean

Sounds like the Commander will be the one facing the bill in the end again then with having to compensate Mayling. The bill shouldn't be too bad, assuming the Commander won't need several spare doll frames again (VA-11 Hall-A).

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    Kinda funny that Roon is damn different between shipgirl and tier 9 cruiser , the former is pretty much a psychotic juggernaut who can't spell MURDER without U packing the Expert Loader skill as well as the turtleback armor citadel... and the latter demanding that you keep the range open and only getting up close to either severely maim or coup de grace a dying ship.

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    To the person who's uploading these (who if I'm not mistaken, is the original artist):

    - Only tag original if it features original characters/settings (fan works don't count)
    - include an appropriate artist tag (I've created the tag noahotoko for this)
    - Source should be a link to a web page, ideally (the X posts should work fine)

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    SSJ3CORVO said:

    40k is the more popular warhammer tho. Most people know more about it

    It's sad anyway, when the Warhammer Fantasy exist but thanks to the Workshop, they decided to slap it to hell with that thing that shall not be named. Even with the Total War game exist... Although not everyone will play a game like that though even it's for the lore and giggles.

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