


Anya_Jackal said:

Ridiculous amounts of stretching in this post aside, the voice line addressing Ayaka is indeed so out of nowhere it's hard not to see it as intentional jab.

The line refers to Ayaka's outfit, as it is based on that of a character in a light novel Citlali read and where Ayaka got the design from

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    Deoxys320 said:

    The line refers to Ayaka's outfit, as it is based on that of a character in a light novel Citlali read and where Ayaka got the design from

    It is specifically listed as "About Kamisato Ayaka", not "about Fontainian fashion and shit"

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    Alixiron said:

    The artist also the same image with Japanese text: asset #24673200

    My brother in Christ, you have unlimited uploads. It took you longer to type your comment than it would take to put english_text alternate_language parent:XXX into tag box. Would you fucking explode if you did that or what??

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    hdk5 said:

    My brother in Christ, you have unlimited uploads. It took you longer to type your comment than it would take to put english_text alternate_language parent:XXX into tag box. Would you fucking explode if you did that or what??

    Yes, please post the original language version if it’s available next time. It’s fine to include alternate language versions from the artist, but there’s no guarantee they’ll be translated correctly. It’s always best to have the original on hand. If the official translation is flawed, we can provide a better one.

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    hdk5 said:

    My brother in Christ, you have unlimited uploads. It took you longer to type your comment than it would take to put english_text alternate_language parent:XXX into tag box. Would you fucking explode if you did that or what??

    As far as I saw no one else posted the Japanese version when the English one was available for this artist so I didn't post it. I'll post it next time


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    I'd have added more tags if they existed and/or I knew what they were called for

    • Vital signs monitor
    • Oxygen hose

    The graphs on the monitor appear to be for respiration, plethysmography, and something to do with the heart, but not heart rate in BPM.

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    DiscreteActor said:

    The graphs on the monitor appear to be for respiration, plethysmography, and something to do with the heart, but not heart rate in BPM.

    The last one is a cardiogram. It’s measuring the electrical activity of her heart.

    The numbers on the bottom are her blood pressure, but I don’t know if it can be tagged with blood pressure monitor without the cuff.

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