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sabisabi said:

i really dont know how to feel about the fact we have a dei tag now

Nothing would be the correct feeling, since it's just a topic and we carry many with varying degrees of likability.

Honestly the only thing DEI meant where I had worked was simply making sure we were also notifying places like Historically Black Colleges and Universities or notifying minority or women's student organizations we had summer internships or recent graduate job openings in addition to all the regular universities and student organizations we'd reach out to. It also just meant when deciding internal policies making sure we had some minorities and women involved so nothing was grossly overlooked when the new policy would be implemented.

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    robotpingas said:

    they ask men to be more open with their emotions and that's how men are treated by society. empathy? basic respect? too outdated.

    being misogynistic is not being "open with your emotions" LOL, wild attempt at making men seem like the victims here brody

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    So that’s what J.O.E.L. (Which stands for “Joint Operations, Expeditions, Logistics”) looks like.

    Well, all that’s left now is to figure out where he lives and mail him some high power magnets and hope that he gets his chips scrambled to the point they’re 100% garbage. Either that or a Hellbomb that’s been set up so that when he opens the box it’s in he arms it.

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    RandomSpectator said:

    So that’s what J.O.E.L. (Which stands for “Joint Operations, Expeditions, Logistics”) looks like.

    Well, all that’s left now is to figure out where he lives and mail him some high power magnets and hope that he gets his chips scrambled to the point they’re 100% garbage. Either that or a Hellbomb that’s been set up so that when he opens the box it’s in he arms it.

    But what if JOEL is... an illuminate?

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    Palico said:

    Me holding off a wave of Automatons on Malevelon Creek while I wait for someone to answer my SOS Beacon

    So many of them remained unanswered, so many fallen divers, I somewhat believe Command abandoned us there as we hid and waited for reinforcements, that battle made many rookies immediate seasoned veterans,

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