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DevilAngel_Sepureth said:

Why do people ship her with Yuugi?

They had a good scene in Cheating Detective Satori where Yuugi gave her booze, listened to her vent about her motivations and went from being mad at her to deciding to help her with her revenge.

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    ChiSatsuki223 said:

    art by @Chi444runo on twitter!!

    please provide a twitter link to the artwork itself in the source field if you have it (and you can upload artwork directly from the source most of the time)
    also next time make a artist tag when uploading a new artist, I did it for you this time but it can be done by typing artist: before the name of the artist

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    Zelo-Chan said:

    please provide a twitter link to the artwork itself in the source field if you have it (and you can upload artwork directly from the source most of the time)
    also next time make a artist tag when uploading a new artist, I did it for you this time but it can be done by typing artist: before the name of the artist

    thank you! im very new to this :3

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