I really like this picture because when I heard Kanon for the first time, her VA sometimes really made me think of Rina Satô. I don't know if the artist felt the same as me, but still, that's a nice coincidence.
Furret isn't the first Pokémon that'd come to my mind if I were to associate it with Sana, but who cares, she looks really good with that cute furball, and seeing them happy together is heartwarming. I dig it that the artist chose to depict Sana without her pigtails, it's a nice change.
Was Serval astral-projected into Jungle Crow during her nap? Because in the next page, we see Arai-san doing exactly what Jungle Crow described her doing while looking in her crystal ball.
Even after all those years, Nozomi/Dream remains one of my favorite pink Cures. I love how she switches from clumsy dork to unbreakable leader as soon as she transforms and how her VA Yûko Sanpei materializes it by changing her way of talking and giving her a more confident and assured tone.
And man, it was so cool seeing her kick ass (even interrupting a general mid-speech by elbowing him in the belly in Yes 5 GoGo) but also living up to her being a beacon of hope when she managed to "defeat" Lady Despariah through sheer force of will and a good ol' talk no jutsu.
On a side note, I always liked Nightmare and Girinma, one of the best first generals in the franchise. Can't beat that Nobuyuki Hiyama voice.
How come Yukari is Fortran and Yuyuko is Cobol? I would've thought Yukari would've been Cobol, given the person she's based on did business all over the world.
This guest art bromide is made by Usakun with her series マコちゃん絵日記/"MAKO Chan Picture Diary" appearing in it. Well mostly of it with Mugi in the top corner Character wise you've got: Glasses girl- Ishida Tami Ponytail girl- Watanuki Makato Blonde bow girl- Matsukoji Seira
This guest art bromide is by 小坂俊史/Shunji Kosaka with their series サイダースファンクラブ/'Ciders Fan Club' appearing. I've got 4 of the 5 characters that appear in it. Medium black hair- Mera Shiwasu (I think) Short black hair- Tomozawa Mutsuki Long blonde hair- Nakano Yayoi Long black hair- Oyama-san Then it's just the long blonde hair girl's Junior (cat ears) that I don't know the name of The Japanese Wiki has most of the characters name's along with the main 3's full names if anyone can help properly translate them