Been seeing an uptick of memes regarding this recently, doesn't seem to have a danbooru tag yet, though. Saw them with the caption " "Yeah bro I'm masculine" Also me as soon as there's a girl option in a game "
Been seeing an uptick of memes regarding this recently, doesn't seem to have a danbooru tag yet, though. Saw them with the caption " "Yeah bro I'm masculine" Also me as soon as there's a girl option in a game "
I've personally only seen the "Yeah bro I'm masculine" variant with this specific (Kita) one. Also, the Hoshino Ruby dance tag was created yesterday for this specific parody.
Yesterday I posted the same art over there that I posted here for you all. After receiving some positive feedback in the comments and a few likes, the art was deleted. This has been happening with my art over there for quite some time, but this time I found myself wondering... what was wrong with this art?
In a childish act of frustration of mine, I reposted the art with the breasts reduced and the legs cropped. This way, there would be no possibility of violating their rules. But I put a provocative title as a protest.
The result: The post was deleted again, and they changed the rule to justify everything.
But that's it... it's just pathetic for something like this to happen. All I can say at the moment is that I feel a terrible disdain for these mods.
But in the end, nothing shakes my determination! โจ I'll keep drawing beautiful girls and enjoying what I do because I know there are people who love it.
Oh hey, I think I read about the drama in Twitter back then. I swear, Reddit mods are the stupidest, most annoying, powertripping circlejerk of asses in the whole internet.