post #9000000 GET!



So I just came across this and thought "Where have I seen this before?". I get that these series share an illustrator, but did they have to go so far as to create another series' OST cover with a character in the exact same place, in front of the same town, with the same guardrail with the same vine growing on it and go so far as to invent a now fake set of the same brand headphones to wear? I wonder if they didn't expect anyone to notice.

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    At first I thought: "They're both steel-type, so what's the point?" But then I remembered, that Aggron is also rock, so Tinkaton's signature move would still deal some damage, I guess.

    But she really should lift that hammer a bit, before swinging it, otherwise that Tinkatuff is either gonna be sent flying or smashed against the Aggron.

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    TouToTheHouYo said:

    She's looking to set up a fastball special.

    except tinkaton isnt really that good of a pokemon for this matchup, she'd have to onehit the aggron which isnt likely, due to sturdy+aggron being a phsyical defender in its stats. but thats more imo the artist not doing their research properly. if it was something like corviknight yea. it'd make sense, but not aggron with 166 def at the lowest at lvl 50 which is almost 30 above the highest phsyical attack tinkaton can have at lvl 50.

    she'd likely hit it then the aggron, failing to kill it, then it returns the hit with a ground move which is x2

    but eh, im biased as i love aggron. carried me through platinum.

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