Oh wow now there is an ancient reference right there. So in Star Ocean the Second Story, there is an item creation skill called "customization" which allows characters to create new weapons from raw materials. Due to a coding error in Rena's item pool, it was nonsensically possible for her to randomly create the cooking item "Ladyfingers" (a type of cake) when using this skill. This detail was kept in the game's remake as a kind of easter egg.
Probably to piss off liberals... Even if it means making [insert character name] do shit that's so out of character that it makes less than no sense to the majority of people, Left or Right.
once youve made your like 60th anime character in nazi uniform fan art thou it kinda just seems like your just a "wehaboo" more than anything dedicated to other people or jokes. obviously like "owning libs" is just a bonus for them.