post #9000000 GET!



Demundo said:

I just noticed, but the Ra-class might be the first humanoid Asbyssal Destroyer that isn't a boss (yet), no?

Yep, previous common DD was the Na-class (Sluggish creature) and then before, I, Ro, Ha, Ni are all fish-based. The Destroyer Princesses from various years look at her with envious eyes, especially Warusame.

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    Ahhhh, I think I get it. At first I didn't understand the comic at all and that murasa is just being a jerk, while that still stands true I did a little of bit of searching and found out that Ichirin had won a water yoyo from that little game of Yo-yo Tsuri (assuming my information is correct) and after she had gotten it Murasa, I'm guessing, manipulated the water to expand rapidly therefore popping Ichirin's prize which is why she's looking so heartbroken. Feel free to correct me if what I said is wrong but that's what I think is going on.

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