


Wisard23 said:

If only a tomboy warrior would abduct me into a forced marriage. Guy is living the dream.

Well consider this. A random force not only invades your town but also kills your family and friends. One of theme starts start threatening your sister. Kidnapped you. Starts speaking geberish in another language .
This seem more like a nightmare if anything

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    I once had a crush on the artist who drew this but then I realized that was weird and parasocial and that also they weren't interested in people like me which taught me the importance of never crushing on people who draw the chicken nugget from maxdesignpro known for singing Cotton Eyed Joe.

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    YuugiFan1954 said:

    I once had a crush on the artist who drew this but then I realized that was weird and parasocial and that also they weren't interested in people like me which taught me the importance of never crushing on people who draw the chicken nugget from maxdesignpro known for singing Cotton Eyed Joe.


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    YuugiFan1954 said:

    I once had a crush on the artist who drew this but then I realized that was weird and parasocial and that also they weren't interested in people like me which taught me the importance of never crushing on people who draw the chicken nugget from maxdesignpro known for singing Cotton Eyed Joe.

    most sane danbooru comment

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