


Starting from this image, I will be posting Little Nuns from Threads instead of Twitter. The reason for this is the size - it turns out, that versions posted there are largest.

For comparison:
Twitter images are 2048 x 1152
Bluesky images are 2000 x 1125
Threads images are 2560 x 1440

Patreon has even larger size, 4000 * 2250, but those versions are paywalled.

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    Arcana55 said:

    Just noticed that Reimu's head is in the exact same position in both pictures.

    Uh, yeah? She's standing in the same spot, her left arm is the only thing that's moved. Marisa is also in the same place. That's the point.

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    Kon'nichiwa. Machigatta bunpō ga attara gomen'nasai. Watashi wa hon'yaku apuri o shiyō shite iru eigo washadesu. Shikashi, ībei de darekaga anata no āto o shiyō shita kādogēmumatto o hanbai shite iruga, dokoni mo anata no namae ga kisai sa rete inai koto o oshirase shitaidesu. Sudeni gozonji no kata ya ki ni shinai kata wa mōshiwakearimasenga, watashi wa kono āto o hontōni tanoshinde irunode, anata ga nozomu yō ni namae ga kisai sa rete iru koto o kakunin shitai nodesu. Mata, imi ga wakaranai ten ga arimashitara gomen'nasai. Watashi wa hon'yaku apuri o

    Hello I Apologize for any Incorrect Grammar I am an English speaker using a translation application. But I wanted to inform you that someone on eBay is Selling a Card Game Mat with your art on it and they are not crediting you anywhere. sorry if you are either already aware of this or don’t care I just really enjoy this art and I want to make sure you get credit it you want it also apologies if any of this doesn’t make sense again I am using a translation application

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