


lionix79 said:

I understand Cherenkov effect only forms in your eye, not projecting in the room like that 🙂

Cherenkov radiation is electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle (such as an electron) passes through a dielectric medium (such as distilled water) at a speed greater than the phase velocity (speed of propagation of a wavefront in a medium) of light in that medium.[3] A classic example of Cherenkov radiation is the characteristic blue glow of an underwater nuclear reactor.

Thanks wiki. So yes, it won't be glowing like that unless Ehsex is underwater. But also you don't need eyes to get the bloo glow

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    Myony said:

    Yep. It's apparently quite popular to hc Shinji as trans, and honestly? I fw it. A lot of Shinji's behavior in the show struck me as egg behavior, particularly bathing in a way that obscures as much of his body as possible.

    Imagine not being able to be a shy kid with self esteem issues without a trans dude pushing his life ideas on you

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    Goopy said:

    Imagine not being able to be a shy kid with self esteem issues without a trans dude pushing his life ideas on you

    some people find comfort in hc'ing their favourite characters to be similar to them. Its not as big of a deal as youre making it out to be, sorry.

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    Froggy Nun; "I go around and gift RRG merchandise to all my friends."
    Grumpy: "Thank you Froggy, your stitching abilities have improved considerably."

    Cookie: "Good work, mom. This can only have positive consequences."
    RRR Ducks: "You are the best boss!"

    Clumsy Nun: "I should get context but I probably will be driven by my emotions in the next picture."
    G Duck: "Hey, who is the newbie? Are they now the Ribbit Ribbit Rang?"

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