A sudden platinum upgrade raffle has appeared!



BrokenEagle98 said:

I was just thinking about this artist's interpretation of their animal versions when I saw the next episode preview. I hope he keeps his own original designs though, since I like how they look and they have their own appeal.

Same thoughts, their own design helps stand out that theirs was first rather than copied.

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    There you can see that Federica is giving Ludobico peluche a tug on the ears like in the series XD ps: I had to put this comment again because one of the page administrators deleted my comment just for being in Spanish when in this case it was related to this fanart which is ridiculous and hypocritical since it would also be bad if I did the same but with comments in English and this is a clear example of censorship and to avoid problems that's why now I'm putting it but in English to avoid a week of sanction like what happened to me a few days ago

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    EnriqueZX said:

    Judging from your new English comment, your Spanish comment was just making a general remark on the image. This is not the kind of comment the rules are referring to when they say other languages can be used if it’s relevant to the post.

    All of your comments must be written with the intention of conveying information to English speakers. In some cases, it is necessary to use other languages to do this. For example, if you are explaining a visual pun that relies on knowledge of another language, you can use words from that language. For things like card art, you can also post the title and flavor text in its original language. Most of my own comments include Japanese for this reason, and it is clearly marked as in-game information. In both cases, the English speaker has learned something from the comment. Your comment was almost certainly deleted because it cannot be understood by the average English speakers and does not help them understand the post any better.

    Also, mods need to be able to read comments to moderate them effectively. If we allow Spanish, we’ll have to allow every other language as well. The mods should not be shouldered with the burden of machine-translating every comment to ensure they don’t break the rules, especially when the results might not be accurate anyway. Not too long ago, we had a commenter that spoke politely in English but threw in insults in Korean. Do you think something like that should be ignored? Because it probably would be if commenting in Korean were allowed.

    There are practical reasons for enforcing an English-only rule. No one is trying to censor you. Your English proficiency doesn’t seem so low as to significantly hinder your ability to express your thoughts here, so there’s no reason for you to not use it.

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