post #9000000 GET!


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I'm uploading a bunch of stuff because of how annoyed I am at the fact that these days most characters have their fanart spread around like six different sites whose search engines are all their own unique brand of terrible. Decided to start with Grimmi mostly because her fanart is especially scattered all over the place and I think it's a shame that it's a genuine nightmare to find people's tributes to her model design and concept. Did you know that most grimmi fanart on pixiv isn't marked with her art tag and that she shares a name with a popular yaoi ship? I didn't until I went looking for it!


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    Apocalyptosaurus said:

    I'm uploading a bunch of stuff because of how annoyed I am at the fact that these days most characters have their fanart spread around like six different sites whose search engines are all their own unique brand of terrible. Decided to start with Grimmi mostly because her fanart is especially scattered all over the place.

    Based. This is one of the reasons why Danbooru exists.

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    HyphenSam said:

    Based. This is one of the reasons why Danbooru exists.

    Searching for fanart was annoying enough before the age of "AI-enhanced search optimisation" and now every search engine that doesn't strictly use a tag system tries to wrestle with me by deciding it already knows what I want and not letting me keep digging without some asinine work around or the other. And they all have their own weird fucked up quirks that you need to wrestle with to wrangle useful results. So I'm gonna be like a paleontologist and do the backbreaking digging for fossils in the muck and sediment of the modern internet so that they can be displayed and catalogued in a proverbial museum.

    It's often tedious and doing it reminds me of how much I miss the times before we put text-predictors in charge of organising search results based on vibes instead of keyword matches, but somebody's gotta do it. But even is twitter broken as all hell now, what the hell is going on with its internal search engine?

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    Naked_Flame said:

    To be fair, the spongy ballsack is the best codpiece in the game.
    +99 defence against groinshots makes the Nutcrackerus much easier for casuals.

    I have never played a Monhun game, I have no idea what monhun gear stats look like.

    That's not a piece of armor, that's literally it's ballsack.
    In MonHun monsters, instead of dropping armor, drop materials which you can use to make armor and weapons.

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    bunkhead said:

    That's not a piece of armor, that's literally it's ballsack.
    In MonHun monsters, instead of dropping armor, drop materials which you can use to make armor and weapons.

    Oh, I knew that much. I was implying that you could craft it into a codpiece with the same name.
    Guess I didn't explain that very well, but I was trying to make the joke snappy rather than overly long winded.

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